Photo by Christopher Czermak on Unsplash

5 Things to do in Rome You Won’t Find on Every Other List

Bianca for Brave Bottega
6 min readApr 23, 2021


Ah Rome, the eternal city. Land of late nights, late mornings, life-giving coffee, and PASTA. There’s something so intoxicating about Rome, from the little cobbled streets to the beautiful river, the wonderful food and then the people!

I love Rome, I love the Romans and I find everything about the Roman experience utterly provocative and enticing.

So, what top must-sees do I have for you that you won’t find in 1’000 other travel blog posts?

Read on, dear reader, read on:

Photo from Club Derrière Facebook

The Booty Bar

One of my favourite moments in Rome was being in an uber with my friends and telling our lovely driver that yes, this secret bar DID exist. No, I hadn’t been to Rome before and yes, I understand you’ve grown up here, but I am SURE this bar exists.

Reader, it exists.

And it is quirkier and odder than I could have ever hoped for! Walking down a tiny, pedestrianized street with very little light (my friends walked while I tottered in heels, because choices) a tiny plaque announces, “Club Derrière”.

And yes, that means your booty.

After ringing the bell and greeting in terrible Italian, we were ushered to a cryptlike wonderland of exposed brick, mood lighting and velvet furniture.

This is an underground delight where the bartenders take their cocktails and moustaches ever so seriously.

I vaguely remember a night of laughing, cocktails, a secret entrance to the restrooms through a gigantic bookcase and making many Italian friends who I could not pick out in a line up the next morning.
Go, drink and be merry as a Roman.

Photo by Chad Greiter on Unsplash

Beer at The Vatican

Now yes, I know I said I would suggest things that you wouldn’t find on other blogs however no Top 5 list about Rome could ever be called complete without the OG of destination travel being included.

The Vatican is gorgeous, thought-provoking and, regardless of your stance on a particular religion or religion in general, just feels… sacred. I have no other word to describe it.

The first time I set foot inside the Vatican and saw the sheer volume of love and care which had been poured into every detail of construction and the amount of art that hung inside, I truly understood the term ‘hallowed ground’.

I was in awe and still am when I look back at my 2 days walking around drinking in the history and wonder of the Vatican.

Now for the off the beaten track top tip:

Pay for the walking tour to go up to St Peter’s Basilica and walk up to the top. There is a tiny coffee bar at the top where, if you ask nicely, you can have a beer and watch the city from one of the best perches in the world.

I unwittingly timed it to perfection and arrived late on a sunny afternoon and spent a happy 30 minutes sipping my boozy beverage watching the world go by.

Photo from

Bopping along the banks of the Tiber River

There is something about rivers, lakes and oceans that just makes my soul happy in a way nothing else really can.
And Rome’s Tiber River is no different.

It has a glorious stretch of river that if you go to between June and early September you will find the il Lungo il Tevere in full swing.

What does that mean exactly? Allow me to enlighten you.

il Lungo il Tevere is purported to be the best summer festival in Rome. Unlike more dance-based festivals the Roman summer festival is based around cultural events.
You can experience theatre, art, craft stalls and yes, dance. This festival has something for everyone from tiki bars to opera on a boat sailing down the river, from foodies to flea market aficionados, there is something for everyone.

The festival starts daily at around 5:00 pm with most dance or theatre shows beginning at 9:00 or 9:30 pm. Remember, when in Rome strict scheduling like stop signs are merely a suggestion.

There are also certain months where cinema screenings are showcasing a multitude of genres and one-of-a-kind talks with key members of the film community.

You can preview an up and coming indie film, have a divine dinner, take part in a debate, watch a theatre production, dance about merrily and leave with gratitude-inducing gifts for loved ones back home- all in one evening.

Photo by Karl Köhler on Unsplash

Hopping on and off

Yes, I know it seems counterintuitive to write a post about my off the beaten path recommendations when in Rome and then lead you to a hop on hop off bus but hear me out.

This was one of the best tours of this type that I have done to date. I have hopped on and off in countless cities however the Roman version was well laid out, interesting and not quite as touristy as other tours I have done.

The mains sites of Rome were in quick succession and parts of the tour are encouraged to be done on foot to soak up the authentic feel of the city.

The walk also allows you to experience the exquisitely beautiful cafes for lunch and wine along the way. We drank wine, lunched, laughed and were serenaded by performers all around the sites.
Now, what could be more authentic than that?

Picture from

A Spa-Licious End to the Trip

Who doesn’t love a spa day? Great food, beautifully manicured gardens? The white fluffy robes?

There is just something magical about a vast spa with glorious sights and non-stop refreshments.

The QC Terme Rome is a spa that ticks all of these boxes and is within a 10-minute taxi ride to the Leonardo Da Vinci airport. This sets it up as the perfect way to spend your last day.

My little travel gang and I decided to go spend 6 hours soaking up sunshine and dipping in and out of various baths and pools before making the journey back home.

The day package was very reasonable as you have complete access to the grounds and the multitude of cold showers, steam rooms, outdoor swimming pools, indoor swimming pools and a glorious non-stop buffet of delicious food.

Massages, beauty treatments and the like can all be purchased in advance and booked throughout your stay there.

It was a wonderfully relaxing way to end my little Roman Holiday. So much so I lost track of time and the mad rush both too and at the airport was quite possibly the least relaxing part of the trip.

However, would I do it again? Absolutely.
Would I set a reminder next time? Definitely.

And there you have it, dear friends. My top things to do when in the eternal city of Rome

Have any other highlights or attractions you think should be included on future lists?

Leave a comment below!

